My Story

I always knew I wanted to use design to to make peopleโ€™s lives a little bit better, but the first five years of my career in visual design left me feeling like we were just creating nice-looking things without purpose.

So, I enrolled in a Masters program for Digital Design in Amsterdam where I learned the fundamentals of lab, field, and showroom research, and had the opportunity to experiment with new methodologies on real projects for large companies. We also covered Design Thinking, Design Ethics, and Interaction Engineering, but my main focus was research. My next step was to find a place where I could deliver dev-ready designs, but also conduct research.

However, life didn't quite go as planned. I fell in love with an American, got married, and left my hometown of Canterbury, England ๐Ÿง™, for Denver, CO, USA ๐Ÿ”.

I'm currently helping make insurance easier for everyone at Trellis.